In a dramatic turn of events, Paula Scanlan, a former teammate of transgender swimmer Lia Thomas, has publicly demanded an apology for being “forced to undress with him 18 times a week.” This revelation comes on the heels of the American swimmer’s failed legal battle to compete in women’s events at the upcoming Olympics.

Background: The Legal Battle

Lia Thomas, a transgender athlete who has been at the center of a heated debate regarding transgender participation in sports, recently lost her legal battle to compete in women’s swimming events at the Olympic Games. This decision has been met with mixed reactions, highlighting the ongoing controversy and complexities surrounding transgender athletes in competitive sports.

Paula Scanlan’s Allegations

Paula Scanlan, who trained and competed alongside Thomas, has welcomed the news of the legal defeat. In a candid statement, Scanlan expressed relief but also brought to light a personal grievance. She claims that during their time as teammates, she and other female swimmers were “forced to undress with him 18 times a week,” a situation she found uncomfortable and invasive.

A Call for an Apology

Scanlan’s demand for an apology from Thomas is rooted in her experiences of having to share locker room facilities with a transgender teammate. She described the situation as distressing, citing concerns over privacy and comfort. “It’s not about being against transgender individuals,” Scanlan clarified. “It’s about respecting everyone’s right to privacy and making sure all athletes feel safe and comfortable in their environments.”

Reactions from the Sports Community

The sports community has reacted strongly to Scanlan’s allegations and her call for an apology. Supporters argue that her concerns about privacy and comfort in shared locker rooms are valid and should be addressed. They emphasize that while inclusivity is important, it should not come at the expense of other athletes’ sense of safety and privacy.

Critics, however, view Scanlan’s statements as potentially harmful to the progress being made toward inclusivity for transgender athletes. They argue that transgender individuals face significant challenges and discrimination and that their participation in sports should be supported and encouraged.

The Larger Debate

The situation involving Lia Thomas and Paula Scanlan highlights the larger, ongoing debate about transgender athletes in sports. Advocates for transgender rights argue that allowing athletes to compete according to their gender identity is essential for inclusivity and equality. Opponents, however, often cite concerns about competitive fairness and the physiological differences between cisgender and transgender athletes.

The legal battles, policy changes, and personal stories emerging from this debate continue to shape the landscape of competitive sports. Organizations like the NCAA and the International Olympic Committee are grappling with how to create policies that balance inclusivity with fairness, ensuring that all athletes can compete on a level playing field.


Paula Scanlan’s demand for an apology from Lia Thomas adds a new dimension to the complex discussion surrounding transgender athletes in sports. As the debate continues, it underscores the need for thoughtful, nuanced approaches to policy-making that consider the rights and concerns of all athletes involved. Scanlan’s call for an apology may resonate with those who share her concerns, while also prompting further dialogue about how best to support and include transgender athletes in competitive sports.