Sony millionaire Tommy Mottola is likened to a “blood-sucking demon” for artists, trampling on them and regardless of everything for profit.

Very few people know the scary truth about Tommy Mottola, the first husband of Mariah Carey, the millionaire producer of Sony . This man is always for profit, ready to exploit and trample on singers.

That’s why Tommy Mottola was nicknamed “the bloodsucking demon” and his two most famous victims were Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson.

Mariah Carey’s destiny

Diva Mariah Carey’s path to fame began in 1986, when she left her hometown to come to magnificent New York with the dream of changing her life.

At the age of 17, Mariah Carey resolutely entered the artistic path with her voice. But at that time, she was too poor to start her career.

Young diva Mariah Carey.

Young diva Mariah Carey.

To make a living, Maria had to work as a waitress at a restaurant in New York. When her shift ended, the young girl returned to a mediocre bed in an ordinary motel room.

Every time there is a music show near where she lives, Mariah asks her boss to be allowed to go see it and promises to work overtime to make up for the time she is absent.

The dream always pained Mariah as she longed to become a singer, longed to wear colorful dresses and stand on stage to receive endless applause from the audience.

In 1990, fate let her meet Tommy Mottola, the famous millionaire of Sony Music. Attracted by Mariah Carey’s beauty and powerful voice, Tommy promised to sponsor and promote her to become America’s second Withney Houston.

Mariah Carey's success has a significant contribution from Sony tycoon Tommy Mottola.

Mariah Carey’s success has a significant contribution from Sony tycoon Tommy Mottola.

This is the moment Mariah’s life turned a new turning point. To hone the “rough gem”, Tommy invited the best teachers in New York to teach and shape Mariah Carey’s performance style.

At the same time, he also invited the most famous and demanding stylists at that time to develop Mariah Carey’s aesthetics and dressing style.

While working on their debut album, Mariah and Tommy fell in love. The millionaire traded several million dollars to divorce his ex-wife and then married Mariah Carey.

In 1993, Tommy and Maria Carey held a lavish wedding ceremony with the participation of many celebrities.

However, if the marriage between Mariah and Tommy is her love, then for Tommy, it is just a profitable investment in business.

The heart of a wicked man

With time and Tommy’s help, Mariah Carey became a famous singer. More than 80 million records sold brought about 200 million USD in profit for Sony Music.

However, she had to trade for her own freedom. During many years of living together, Tommy built Mariah a villa with a large plot of land separate from the outside, so she could only hang around there to compose music.

The marriage between Mariah and Tommy lasted 4 years.

The marriage between Mariah and Tommy lasted 4 years.

Her every move was closely watched and monitored by Tommy. Not stopping there, Tommy also personally selected all the male actors, all gay people, to star in the MV with Mariah.

The control was so strict that her clothes were chosen by Tommy, and her spending money had to go through him.

In 1997, Mariah decided to break up after she couldn’t take it anymore. Immediately, Tommy used many tricks to “shame” her in the press.

This explains why Mariah’s albums in the post-divorce period, although very high quality and more artistic than previous albums, did not achieve as much success as expected.

Mariah always regretted her affair with Tommy.

Mariah always regretted her affair with Tommy.

This breakup caused a lot of damage to Mariah. That year, she was also cut from a $100 million recording contract by Virgin Records after a series of severe physical and mental breakdowns in the mass media.

One of Tommy’s dirty tricks is to promote Celine Dion, Shakira and Jennifer Lopez to defeat his single wife.

Surely everyone knows, when Mariah was preparing to release the album “Glitter”, Tommy secretly stole a sample of her song “Lover boy” for Jennifer Lopez, turning it into the hit song “I’m real” to compete with her. compete with Mariah.

After the divorce, Tommy promoted Jennifer Lopez to bring down his ex-wife.

After the divorce, Tommy promoted Jennifer Lopez to bring down his ex-wife.

Opening her heart to the famous magazine Hello, the female singer shared about her marriage with Tommy: ” If I could go back to that day, I definitely wouldn’t do that.”

Another victim – Michael Jackson – also had to leave Sony because he suffered a lot of oppression under Tommy.

He said he had made billions of dollars for Sony, he was an artist, but they thought he only had music and dancing on his mind, they forced him to work non-stop, exhausting his labor and Use many other tricks.

In a denunciation of Tommy, Michael Jackson recounted: “After divorcing Tommy, Mariah came to me and cried. She cried so loudly, I had to hug her. And, she told me: This is an evil person. Michael, this person is following you.”

“He is very cruel, she does not trust him. He is truly a cruel man. We must continue to fight until he is destroyed! We can’t let him do that to true art ,” Michael expressed his frustration.

After Michael passed away, fans simultaneously boycotted all Sony products commemorating him, not allowing Tommy to profit from his idol’s tragic death.

As for Mariah, it wasn’t until years later that Tommy Mottola apologized to her. He admitted mistakes in marriage and the tricks he used to defame Mariah after the couple divorced.