The Heavenly Voice of a Wheelchair-Bound Singer Creates an Unforgettable X Factor Audition

kerry mcgregor x factor

In this Kerry McGregor X Factor audition, the wheelchair-bound singer stuns everyone with her heavenly voice. This is an unforgettable moment you don’t want to miss!

At the start of the video, X Factor shares that there is one final audition from a 31-year-old full-time mom named Kerry McGregor. She shares that when she was 13 she fell and broke her back, and her whole life changed.

Kerry says that music was her passion before the accident, and so she was able to continue it through the midst of adversity. She hopes to inspire others to believe that there is always a way forward.

Kerry McGregor Wows With X Factor Audition

As she begins to interview with the judges, her mom is outside sharing how Kerry fights harder than anyone she knows. Kerry tells the judges that she will be singing, “Show Me Heaven” by Maria McKee.

They all love that song. As she starts, Kerry has a beautiful and sweet voice. She gets kind comments from the judges. Each one gives her a yes. They rave about her voice and the song. Even though it is a short X Factor audition, Kerry McGregor shows us her heart through the music and sings great.

Watching this young woman not miss out on living because of her disability reminds us that our true strength is found in Christ. We will all have trials, but He has given us His Holy Spirit, who helps us to be overcomers.

We do not have to hide in fear, but we can press on in confidence because our eternal victory is secure in Jesus.

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