‘SHE’S A WITCH’ Monique DEFENDS Shannon Sharpe Against Oprah

“SHE’S A WITCH” Monique DEFENDS Shannon Sharpe Against Oprah

In a bold and unexpected move, actress and comedian Mo’Nique has come out in defense of former NFL star Shannon Sharpe, calling out Oprah Winfrey and accusing her of using her influence to harm Sharpe’s career. Mo’Nique, never one to shy away from controversy, went as far as to label Oprah a “witch” in her scathing remarks, sparking a fierce debate within the entertainment industry.


Shannon Sharpe, known for his unapologetic commentary on sports and culture, has been making headlines due to allegations that Oprah played a role in sidelining him within the industry. While the specifics of these allegations remain unclear, they have caught the attention of Mo’Nique, who has her own history of conflict with Oprah.

Mo’Nique’s feud with Oprah dates back several years, stemming from what the actress describes as a betrayal during the promotion of the 2009 film Precious. Mo’Nique claims that Oprah, along with others in Hollywood, blackballed her for refusing to participate in certain promotional activities without being compensated. Now, Mo’Nique is extending her support to Sharpe, who she believes is also a victim of Oprah’s behind-the-scenes machinations.

“Shannon Sharpe is a strong, intelligent Black man who speaks his mind, and that scares some people in power,” Mo’Nique said in a recent interview. “Oprah has a history of using her influence to silence people who don’t play by her rules. She’s done it before, and she’ll do it again. She’s a witch when it comes to protecting her own interests.”

Mo’Nique’s comments have reignited discussions about the power dynamics in Hollywood, particularly the influence wielded by figures like Oprah. Her use of the term “witch” to describe Oprah has sparked controversy, with some applauding Mo’Nique’s courage to speak out and others criticizing her for the harsh rhetoric.

Supporters of Mo’Nique argue that she is simply speaking truth to power, highlighting the often-hidden ways that influential figures can manipulate and control the narrative in the entertainment industry. They see her defense of Shannon Sharpe as a continuation of her ongoing battle against what she perceives as injustice and unfair treatment in Hollywood.

Critics, however, view Mo’Nique’s remarks as an unnecessary escalation of her personal vendetta against Oprah. They argue that labeling Oprah a “witch” is inflammatory and detracts from the legitimate concerns about power and influence in the industry.

As the controversy unfolds, it has added yet another layer to the already complex relationships and tensions in Hollywood. Whether Oprah will respond to these latest accusations or choose to remain silent remains to be seen. Meanwhile, Mo’Nique’s defense of Shannon Sharpe has brought renewed attention to the ongoing conversation about power, race, and fairness in the entertainment world.